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  • Bias Tees RF Microwave Millimeter Wave mm wave High Frequency Radio Coaxial Coax Broadband
  • Bias Tees RF Microwave Millimeter Wave mm wave High Frequency Radio Coaxial Coax Broadband
  • Bias Tees RF Microwave Millimeter Wave mm wave High Frequency Radio Coaxial Coax Broadband
  • Bias Tees RF Microwave Millimeter Wave mm wave High Frequency Radio Coaxial Coax Broadband


    • Broadband
    • Small Size


    • Telecom
    • Satcom
    • Laboratory Test
    • Instrumentation

    A RF Bias Tee is a device that provides bias current or bias voltage for active devices such as amplifiers, laser diodes, photodiodes, or optical modulators.

    Simultaneously allowing high-speed and ultra wideband signals to pass through with minimal signal attenuation. Some biasing devices can transmit the modulated AISG signals together through external LOC modulation and demodulation to achieve control.

    The design of a biasing device needs to consider multiple factors, and generally needs to meet several requirements:

    1. stability: Bias Tee can maintain the stability of the working point under different temperatures, voltages, and other environments;
    2. Linearity: Microwave Bias Tee able to maintain the linear relationship of the output signal under different input signals;
    3. Power consumption: Able to reduce power consumption as much as possible while ensuring performance.

    Millimeter Wave Bias Tees are widely used in various electronic devices. For example, in audio signal processing, some circuits need specific bias voltage to ensure signal flow; In wireless communication, mm wave Bias Tees are usually used in modem circuits; In amplifier circuits, a biaser is used to bias the signal amplification region to an effective fidelity amplification range, avoiding signal distortion and improving stability.

    The Coaxial Bias Tees provided by Qualwave Inc. include two versions: the standard version and the high RF power version.

    First, we introduce the standard version.
    The frequency range is 50KHz~40GHz.
    The maximum RF power is 25W.
    The connectors include four types: SMA, PIN, 2.92mm, N, etc.
    The differential loss range is from 0.7 to 3dB.
    The voltage range is 0-50V, and there are also options such as 72V and 100V.
    The performance of the high RF power version is also excellent.
    The frequency range is 5MHz to 40GHz.
    The maximum RF power is 150w.
    The connectors include SMA and 2.92mm.
    The differential loss range is from 0.5 to 1.2ddB.
    The voltage range is 0-60V.
    Welcome customers to communicate with us about your product needs.

    Standard Bias Tee
    Part Number Frequency (GHz) RF Power (W max.) Insertion Loss (dB max.) VSWR (max.) Voltage (V) Current (A) Conenector Lead Time (weeks)
    QBT-30K-26500 30K~26.5 - 3 2.2 50 0.7 SMA 1~4
    QBT-50K-18000 50K~18 10 2 1.8 25 0.5 SMA, PIN 1~4
    QBT-50K-40000 50K~40 10 3 2 25 0.5 2.92mm, PIN 1~4
    QBT-0.1-6000 100K~6 1 1.5 1.5 0~50 1 SMA, PIN 1~4
    QBT-0.5-2000 500K~2 - 2 1.45 50 6.5 N 1~4
    QBT-10-4200-N 0.01~4.2 5 0.8 1.25 72 2.5 N 1~4
    QBT-10-5200-S 0.01~5.2 5 0.8 1.25 72 2.5 SMA 1~4
    QBT-10-40000 0.01~40 10 2.2 2 25 0.5 2.92mm, PIN 1~4
    QBT-10-50000 0.01~50 2(min.) 3 2 40 0.5 2.4mm, SMB 1~4
    QBT-100-6000-S 0.1~6 1 1.5 1.5 50 0.5 SMA 1~4
    QBT-100-18000-S 0.1~18 10 1.8(typ.) 1.6(typ.) 50 0.7 SMA 1~4
    QBT-100-26500-S 0.1~26.5 10 2(typ.) 1.8(typ.) 50 0.7 SMA 1~4
    QBT-200-12000-S 0.2~12 10 0.6 1.8 0~36 0.14@36V SMA 1~4
    QBT-1000-44000 1~44 20 5 1.8(typ.) 16 2 2.92mm, SMA 1~4
    QBT-18000-40000 18~40 - 2 2 10 0.3 2.92mm 1~4
    QBT-24900-25100 24.9~25.1 1 0.8 2 9~30 0.03@30V, 0.11@9V 2.92mm 1~4
    High RF Power Bias Tee
    Part Number Frequency (GHz) RF Power (W max.) Insertion Loss (dB max.) VSWR (max.) Voltage (V) Current (A) Conenector Lead Time (weeks)
    QBTP-5-700-S 0.005~0.7 150 0.5 1.8 0~48 3.13@48V SMA 1~4
    QBTP-10-8000 0.01~8 100 1.5(typ.) 1.5(typ.) 100 2.5 SMA, N, PIN 1~4
    QBTP-10-12000 0.01~12 100 2(typ.) 1.5(typ.) 100 2.5 SMA, N, PIN 1~4
    QBTP-100-8000-S 0.1~8 50 0.6 1.3 0~40 1.25 SMA 1~4
    QBTP-9000-11000-S 9~11 50 0.5 2 28 2 SMA 1~4
    QBTP-18000-40000-K 18~40 30 1.2 2 50 1 2.92mm 1~4
    QBTP-18000-40000-K-1 18~40 60 1.2 2 60 1 2.92mm, SMA 1~4


    • Cryogenic Bias Tees

      Cryogenic Bias Tees