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  • Coaxial Adapters Coax RF Coaxial Microwave Millimeter Wave
  • Coaxial Adapters Coax RF Coaxial Microwave Millimeter Wave
  • Coaxial Adapters Coax RF Coaxial Microwave Millimeter Wave
  • Coaxial Adapters Coax RF Coaxial Microwave Millimeter Wave
  • Coaxial Adapters Coax RF Coaxial Microwave Millimeter Wave
  • Coaxial Adapters Coax RF Coaxial Microwave Millimeter Wave


    • DC~110GHz
    • Low VSWR
    • High Durable
    • High Reliable


    • Laboratory Test
    • Radar
    • Instrumentation

    Coaxial adapters are used to connect two different types of coaxial cables or to connect coaxial cables of the same type but different sizes, so that they can work in the same system.

    RF Coaxial adapters can generally be divided into two types: same-sex and heterosexual. Same gender coax adapters are used to connect coaxial cables of the same type, such as two BNC cables or two N-type cables. Heterogeneous microwave coaxial adapters are used to connect different types of coaxial cables, such as BNC cables and N-type cables.

    The characteristics of coaxial adapters include:

    1. Universality: Coaxial adapters are suitable for various types and brands of coaxial cables.
    2. Convenience: Connecting and disassembling coax adapters is very easy.
    3. Durability: RF adapters are usually made of durable metal and have a longer lifespan.
    4. Compliance with industry standards: The microwave adapter meets industry standards, ensuring good compatibility and performance. The application directions of coaxial adapters include antennas, transmitters, receivers, and carrier terminal equipment.

    Qualwave supplies various high performance millimeter wave coaxial adapters which are widely used in many areas. The adapters cover frequency range DC~110GHz. They are high reliable and durable. Mating durability is up to 5000 cycles.

    Qualwave offers three types of adapters: in series coaxial adapters, between Series coaxial adapters, and NMD adapters.

    The frequency range of the in series coaxial adapter covers DC~110GHz, with a standing wave less than 1.45, and a delivery time of 0-2 weeks.
    The frequency range of the between Series coaxial adapters covers DC~67GHz, with a standing wave less than 1.35, and a delivery time of 0-2 weeks.
    The frequency range of the NMD adapter covers DC~110GHz, with a standing wave less than 1.35 and a delivery time of 0-2 weeks.
    All products have high reliability and durability, with a service life of up to 5000 times. Welcome to inquire .

    In Series Coaxial Adapters
    Part Number Frequency (GHz) VSWR Description Lead Time (Weeks)
    QA88 DC~145 1.6 0.8mm to 0.8mm 4~6
    QA81 DC~110 1.5 0.8mm to 1.0mm 4~6
    QA11 DC~110 1.35 1.0mm to 1.0mm 4~6
    QA55 DC~90 1.3 1.35mm to 1.35mm 0~2
    QAVV DC~67 1.25 1.85mm to 1.85mm 0~2
    QA22 DC~50 1.25 2.4mm to 2.4mm 0~2
    QAKK DC~40 1.25 2.92mm to 2.92mm 0~2
    QAGG DC~40 1.35 SSMP to SSMP 0~2
    QA33 DC~33 1.25 3.5mm to 3.5mm 0~2
    QASS DC~26.5 1.3 SMA to SMA 0~2
    QASS-A DC~26.5 1.25 SMA to SMA 0~2
    QASS-B DC~26.5 1.2 SMA to SMA 0~2
    QAAA DC~26.5 1.25 SSMA to SSMA 0~2
    QASQS DC~26.5 1.3 SMA to Quick SMA 0~2
    QAQSQS DC~18 1.15 Quick SMA to Quick SMA 0~2
    QASQS-B DC~18 1.25 SMA to Quick SMA 0~2
    QANN DC~18 1.2 N to N 0~2
    QANN-B DC~18 1.3 N to N 0~2
    QAPP DC~18 1.35 SMP to SMP 0~2
    QATT DC~18 1.3 TNC to TNC 0~2
    QAL1L1 DC~18 1.2 L16 to L16 0~2
    QAEE DC~11 1.25 SC to SC 0~2
    QASS-B6 DC~6 1.3 SMA to SMA 0~2
    QA77 DC~6 1.4 7/16 DIN (L29) to 7/16 DIN (L29) 0~2
    QA44 DC~6 1.3 4.3-10 to 4.3-10 0~2
    QADD DC~6 1.2 SMB to SMB 0~2
    QALL DC~6 1.4 L27 to L27 0~2
    QAL2L2 DC~6 1.2 L12 to L12 0~2
    QAMM DC~6 1.2 MCX to MCX 0~2
    QAUU DC~6 1.2 SSMB to SSMB 0~2
    QAXX DC~6 1.5 MMCX to MMCX 0~2
    QAYY DC~6 1.3 HN to HN 0~2
    QAQQ DC~6 1.3 QMA to QMA 0~2
    QA99 DC~5 1.07 7/8″ (IF45) to 7/8″ (IF45) 0~2
    QABB DC~4 1.45 BNC to BNC 0~2
    QALCLC DC~4 1.2 LC to LC 0~2
    QAB1B1 DC~3 1.2 TRB to TRB 0~2
    QAA6A6 DC~3 1.07 3-1/8″ (IF110) to 3-1/8″ (IF110) 0~2
    QAA1A1 DC~3 1.07 1-5/8″ (IF70) to 1-5/8″ (IF70) 0~2
    QAFF DC~1 1.3 F to F 0~2
    QAZZ DC~1 1.2 UHF (SL16) to UHF (SL16) 0~2
    QAS1S1 DC~0.3 - SHV to SHV 0~2
    QAM4M4 DC~0.3 1.15 MHV to MHV 0~2
    Between Series Coaxial Adapters
    Part Number Frequency (GHz) VSWR Description Lead Time (Weeks)
    QA1V DC~67 1.3 1.0mm to 1.85mm 4~6
    QAVG DC~67 1.3 1.85mm to SSMP 0~2
    QA12 DC~50 1.25 1.0mm to 2.4mm 0~2
    QAV2 DC~50 1.25 1.85mm to 2.4mm 0~2
    QAG2 DC~50 1.35 SSMP to 2.4mm 0~2
    QAVK DC~40 1.25 1.85mm to 2.92mm 0~2
    QAGK DC~40 1.25 SSMP to 2.92mm 0~2
    QA2K DC~40 1.25 2.4mm to 2.92mm 0~2
    QA2P DC~40 1.5 2.4mm to SMP 0~2
    QAKA DC~40 1.2 2.92mm to SSMA 0~2
    QAKP DC~40 1.35 2.92mm to SMP 0~2
    QAV3 DC~33 1.15 1.85mm to 3.5mm 0~2
    QA23 DC~33 1.25 2.4mm to 3.5mm 0~2
    QAK3 DC~33 1.15 2.92mm to 3.5mm 0~2
    QAKS DC~27 1.15 2.92mm to SMA 0~2
    QA3S DC~27 1.15 3.5mm to SMA 0~2
    QA2S DC~26.5 1.2 2.4mm to SMA 0~2
    QAPS DC~26.5 1.3 SMP to SMA 0~2
    QAGS DC~18 1.3 SSMP to SMA 0~2
    QA2J DC~18 1.25 2.4mm to 7.0mm 0~2
    QA2N DC~18 1.2 2.4mm to N 0~2
    QA2T DC~18 1.3 2.4mm to TNC 0~2
    QAKN DC~18 1.15 2.92mm to N 0~2
    QAKJ DC~18 1.25 2.92mm to 7.0mm 0~2
    QAPA DC~18 1.25 SMP to SSMA 0~2
    QA3N DC~18 1.2 3.5mm to N 0~2
    QA3J DC~18 1.25 3.5mm to 7.0mm 0~2
    QAQAS DC~18 1.15 Quick SSMA to SMA 0~2
    QAAS DC~18 1.15 SSMA to SMA 0~2
    QAAN DC~18 1.15 SSMA to N 0~2
    QASN DC~18 1.15 SMA to N 0~2
    QASN-B DC~18 1.2 SMA to N 0~2
    QASI DC~18 1.35 SMA to BMA 0~2
    QASI-B DC~18 1.25 SMA to BMA 0~2
    QASJ DC~18 1.25 SMA to 7.0mm 0~2
    QAST DC~18 1.3 SMA to TNC 0~2
    QANJ DC~18 1.25 N to 7.0mm 0~2
    QANL1 DC~18 1.2 N to L16 0~2
    QATN DC~18 1.3 TNC to N 0~2
    QASW DC~17 1.25 SMA to SSMC 0~2
    QANE DC~8 1.15 N to SC 0~2
    QAS7 DC~7.5 1.3 SMA to 7/16 DIN (L29) 0~2
    QAT7 DC~7.5 1.2 TNC to 7/16 DIN (L29) 0~2
    QA3NEX DC~6 1.25 3.5mm to NEX10 0~2
    QASM DC~6 1.2 SMA to MCX 0~2
    QASN-B6 DC~6 1.3 SMA to N 0~2
    QASB-B DC~6 1.35 SMA to BNC 0~2
    QASQ-B DC~6 1.25 SMA to QMA 0~2
    QAS4 DC~6 1.15@3GHz SMA to 4.3-10 0~2
    QAS6 DC~6 1.2 SMA to SMC 0~2
    QASU DC~6 1.2 SMA to SSMB 0~2
    QASX DC~6 1.15 SMA to MMCX 0~2
    QASP1 DC~6 1.15 SMA to SMP Max 0~2
    QANB-B DC~6 1.35 N to BNC 0~2
    QAN4 DC~6 1.25 N to 4.3-10 0~2
    QAN7 DC~6 1.3 N to 7/16 DIN (L29) 0~2
    QANL DC~6 1.3 N to L27 0~2
    QANQ DC~6 1.2 N to QMA 0~2
    QANNEX DC~6 1.1@3GHz N to NEX10 0~2
    QATQ DC~6 1.35 TNC to QMA 0~2
    QATM DC~6 1.3 TNC to MCX 0~2
    QA47 DC~6 1.2 4.3-10 to 7/16 DIN (L29) 0~2
    QA7L DC~6 1.3 7/16 DIN (L29) to L27 0~2
    QANEX4 DC~6 1.25 NEX10 to 4.3-10 0~2
    QA9L DC~5 1.07 7/8″ (IF45) to L27 0~2
    QA9N DC~5 1.07 7/8″ (IF45) to N 0~2
    QA97 DC~5 1.07 7/8″ (IF45) to 7/16 DIN (L29) 0~2
    QA9Y DC~5 1.07 7/8″ (IF45) to HN 0~2
    QASD DC~4 1.2 SMA to SMB 0~2
    QANY DC~4 - N to HN 0~2
    QATB DC~4 1.2 TNC to BNC 0~2
    QATD DC~4 1.25 TNC to SMB 0~2
    QAMB DC~4 1.3 MCX to BNC 0~2
    QAQB DC~4 1.25 QMA to BNC 0~2
    QA7Y DC~4 1.2 7/16 DIN (L29) to HN 0~2
    QALC7 DC~4 1.2 LC to 7/16 DIN (L29) 0~2
    QALCN DC~4 1.2 LC to N 0~2
    QA7Z DC~3 1.2 7/16 DIN (L29) to UHF (SL16) 0~2
    QASIP DC~3 1.2 SMA to IPEX (IPX / U.FL) 0~2
    QABZ DC~3 1.35 BNC to UHF (SL16) 0~2
    QAA6N DC~3 1.15 3-1/8″ (IF110) to N 0~2
    QAA67 DC~3 1.07 3-1/8″ (IF110) to 7/16 DIN (L29) 0~2
    QAA6Y DC~3 1.15 3-1/8″ (IF110) to HN 0~2
    QAA6L DC~3 1.15 3-1/8″ (IF110) to L27 0~2
    QAA6L4 DC~3 1.07 3-1/8″ (IF110) to L36 0~2
    QAA6L3 DC~3 1.15 3-1/8″ (IF110) to L52 0~2
    QAA6LC DC~3 1.15 3-1/8″ (IF110) to LC 0~2
    QAA6A1 DC~3 1.07 3-1/8″ (IF110) to 1-5/8″ (IF70) 0~2
    QAA69 DC~3 1.07 3-1/8″ (IF110) to 7/8″ (IF45) 0~2
    QAA1N DC~3 1.1 1-5/8″ (IF70) to N 0~2
    QAA17 DC~3 1.1 1-5/8″ (IF70) to 7/16 DIN (L29) 0~2
    QAA1Y DC~3 1.1 1-5/8″ (IF70) to HN 0~2
    QAA1Z DC~3 1.1 1-5/8″ (IF70) to UHF (SL16) 0~2
    QAA1L DC~3 1.07 1-5/8″ (IF70) to L27 0~2
    QAA1L4 DC~3 1.1 1-5/8″ (IF70) to L36 0~2
    QAA19 DC~3 1.1 1-5/8″ (IF70) to 7/8″ (IF45) 0~2
    QA9Z DC~3 1.07 7/8″ (IF45) to UHF (SL16) 0~2
    QASF DC~2 - SMA to F Inch Thread 0~2
    QASZ DC~1 1.25 SMA to UHF (SL16) 0~2
    QANZ DC~1 1.2 N to UHF (SL16) 0~2
    QANF DC~1 1.25 N to F Inch Thread 0~2
    QABF DC~1 - BNC to F Inch Thread 0~2
    QATZ DC~1 1.35 TNC to UHF (SL16) 0~2
    QABB1 DC~0.5 - BNC to TRB 0~2
    QAS1M4 DC~0.3 - SHV to MHV 0~2
    QABS1 DC~0.3 - BNC to SHV 0~2
    QABM4 DC~0.3 - BNC to MHV 0~2
    QAA6Z DC~0.3 1.07 3-1/8″ (IF110) to UHF (SL16) 0~2
    NMD Adapters
    Part Number Frequency (GHz) VSWR Description Lead Time (Weeks)
    QAM1M1 DC~110 1.35 NMD 1.0mm to NMD 1.0mm 0~2
    QAM11 DC~110 1.35 NMD 1.0mm to 1.0mm 0~2
    QAMVMV DC~67 1.35 NMD 1.85mm to NMD 1.85mm 0~2
    QAMVV DC~67 1.3 NMD 1.85mm to 1.85mm 0~2
    QAMVM2 DC~50 1.25 NMD 1.85mm to NMD 2.4mm 0~2
    QAMV2 DC~50 1.25 NMD 1.85mm to 2.4mm 0~2
    QAM2M2 DC~50 1.25 NMD 2.4mm to NMD 2.4mm 0~2
    QAM22 DC~50 1.25 NMD 2.4mm to 2.4mm 0~2
    QAM2V DC~50 1.25 NMD 2.4mm to 1.85mm 0~2
    QAMVMK DC~40 1.2 NMD 1.85mm to NMD 2.92mm 0~2
    QAMVK DC~40 1.2 NMD 1.85mm to 2.92mm 0~2
    QAM2MK DC~40 1.2 NMD 2.4mm to NMD 2.92mm 0~2
    QAM2K DC~40 1.2 NMD 2.4mm to 2.92mm 0~2
    QAMKMK DC~40 1.2 NMD 2.92mm to NMD 2.92mm 0~2
    QAMKK DC~40 1.2 NMD 2.92mm to 2.92mm 0~2
    QAMK2 DC~40 1.2 NMD 2.92mm to 2.4mm 0~2
    QAMKV DC~40 1.2 NMD 2.92mm to 1.85mm 0~2
    QAMK3 DC~33 1.2 NMD 2.92mm to 3.5mm 0~2
    QAM23 DC~33 1.2 NMD 2.4mm to 3.5mm 0~2
    QAMV3 DC~33 1.2 NMD 1.85mm to 3.5mm 0~2
    QAM33 DC~33 1.2 NMD 3.5mm to 3.5mm 0~2
    QAM2M3 DC~26.5 1.15 NMD 2.4mm to NMD 3.5mm 0~2
    QAMKM3 DC~26.5 1.15 NMD 2.92mm to NMD 3.5mm 0~2
    QAM3M3 DC~26.5 1.15 NMD 3.5mm to NMD 3.5mm 0~2
    QAM32 DC~26.5 1.15 NMD 3.5mm to 2.4mm 0~2
    QAM3K DC~26.5 1.15 NMD 3.5mm to 2.92mm 0~2
    QAM3J DC~18 1.15 NMD 3.5mm to 7mm 0~2
    QAM3N DC~18 1.15 NMD 3.5mm to N 0~2
    QAMKJ DC~18 1.15 NMD 2.92mm to 7mm 0~2
    QAMKN DC~18 1.15 NMD 2.92mm to N 0~2
    QAM2N DC~18 1.15 NMD 2.4mm to N 0~2
    QAM2J DC~18 1.15 NMD 2.4mm to 7mm 0~2