What Are Your Prices?

We have thousands of products, so we do not offer price list. Please send us your RFQs and we will quote you within one day.

Do You Have A Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)

There is no MOQ for most of our products except for some customized products, like connectors.

Can You Supply The Relevant Documentation?

The specs of our standard products are published on our website. We offer test reports for all active components and cable assemblies. For others, please contact us.

What Is The Average Lead Time?

Most of our products could be delivered within 4weeks.

What Kinds Of Payment Methods Do You Accept?

Wire transfer.

What Is The Product Warranty?

12 months, except Adapter 3 months & Cable Assemblies 6 months.

Do You Guarantee Safe And Secure Delivery Of Products?

We offer suitable package for all our products. Customer can buy transportation insurance to guarantee the delivery of products.

How About The Shipping Fees?

The delivery term is FCA China. Customer pay the shipping fees.