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  • Multiplexers RF High Stopband Rejection
  • Multiplexers RF High Stopband Rejection
  • Multiplexers RF High Stopband Rejection
  • Multiplexers RF High Stopband Rejection
  • Multiplexers RF High Stopband Rejection


    • High Stopband Rejection
    • Small Size


    • Telecom
    • Laboratory Test
    • Receivers
    • Instrumentation

    A multiplexer is an electronic device that can convert multiple signal channels into a set of signal channels.

    Multiplex devices are usually used in digital or Analog signal processing to select or switch among multiple input signals. The multiplexers provided by Qualwave include diplexers and triplexers.

    Duplexer, also known as antenna common, consists of two sets of Band-stop filter with different frequencies. By utilizing the frequency division function of high pass, low pass, or bandpass filters, the same antenna or transmission line can be used for two signal paths, thereby achieving the reception and transmission of two or more different frequency signals by the same antenna.

    The triplex consists of three filters (ports) that share a single node (port). The passband loading and isolation targets of the duplexer are the same as those of the duplexer. In frequency division duplex systems, a common application of a triplex is to merge two diplexers into one triplexer.

    Features of multiplexer:

    1. Multiple input signals can be combined into a single output signal to achieve integrated signal transmission.
    2. Different input channels can be selected to achieve simultaneous transmission of multiple signals.
    3. Usually, logic gates (such as AND gates, OR gates, etc.) and switches (such as transmission gates, selectors, etc.) are used to construct multiplexers.

    Application of multiplexer:

    1. Communication system: Widely used in communication systems, one common application is to composite multiple communication signals into a single signal for efficient communication transmission.
    2. Digital circuit design: It can be used to process and transmit multiple signals in digital circuit design.
    3. Data storage: It can be used for data storage to achieve simultaneous input and output of multiple signals by selecting different input channels.
    4. Switch technology: It is a key component in switch technology used to select different input and output channels to achieve multi-channel switching.

    Qualwave supplies high stopband rejection small size multiplexers in frequency range DC-36GHz. The multiplexers are widely used in many applications.


    Part Number Channel 1 Frequency (GHz) Channel 2 Frequency (GHz) Insertion Loss (dB,Max.) VSWR (Max.) Channel 1 Rejection (dB,Min.) Channel 2 Rejection (dB,Min.) Input power (W) Lead Time (Weeks)
    QMP2-0-1000-1 DC~0.15 0.18~1 2 1.6 60@0.18~1GHz 60@DC~0.15GHz 0.1 4~6
    QMP2-0-5000-1 DC~0.95 1.4~5 0.6@0.475GHz
    1.5 50@1.4~5GHz 50@DC~0.95GHz 10 4~6
    QMP2-0-5000-2 DC~0.915 1.396~5 1 1.5 30@1.396~5GHz 50@DC~0.915GHz 5 4~6
    QMP2-0-8000-1 DC~1 2~8 1.5 2 50@2~8GHz 50@DC~1GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-0-15000-1 DC-2 3-15 1.5 2 50@3-15GHz 50@DC-2GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-0-18000-1 DC-5.75 6.25-18 1.5 1.5 60@7-18GHz 60@DC-5.5GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-0-20000-1 DC~2 8~20 1.5 2 50@2.3~20GHz 50@DC~7GHz 5 4~6
    QMP2-10-5000-1 0.01-0.95 1.4-5 1 1.5 50@1.4-5GHz 50@0.01-0.95GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-20-6000-1 0.02~1.1 3~6 2 2 45@1.35~6GHz 45@DC~2.5GHz 1 4~6
    QMP2-20-8000-1 0.02~0.8 0.93~8 2@0.02~0.8GHz
    2 45@0.93~8GHz
    1 4~6
    QMP2-500-3550-1 0.5-1.9 1.9-3.55 2 2 50@DC-0.3GHz
    - 4~6
    QMP2-500-25000-1 0.5~8.3 10.3~25 2 2 40@10.3~25GHz 40@0.5~8.3GHz 5 4~6
    QMP2-695-965-1 0.695-0.795 0.875-0.965 1 1.4 40@0.875-0.965GHz 40@0.695-0.795GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-703-803-1 0.703-0.748 0.758-0.803 1.5 1.3 65@0.758-0.803GHz 70@0.703-0.748GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-800-5000-1 0.8-1 1.7-5 1 1.5 55@1.7-5GHz 55@0.8-1GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-880-960-1 0.880-0.915 0.925-0.960 70@0.925-0.96GHz 270@0.880-0.915GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-1025-1095-1 1.025-1.035 1.085-1.095 1 1.3 70@1.085-1.095GHz 70@1.025-1.035GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-1427.9-1495.9-1 1.4279-1.4479 1.4759-1.4959 1.25 1.5 75@1.4759-1.4959GHz 75@1.4279-1.4479GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-1447.9-1510.9-1 1.4479-1.4629 1.4959-1.5109 1.25 1.5 75@1.4959-1.5109GHz 75@1.4479-1.4629GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-1513-1680-1 1.513~1.53 1.663~1.68 0.8 1.5 30@1.4215&1.6215GHz 30@1.5715&1.7715GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-1700-2710-1 1.7-2.2 2.48-2.71 0.5 1.3 40@2.48-2.71GHz 40@1.7-2.2GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-1700-7000-1 1.7~2 3~7 1.5 1.5 55@3~7GHz 55@1.7~2GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-1710-1880-1 1.71-1.785 1.805-1.88 1 1.3 70@1.805-1.88GHz 70@1.71-1.785GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-1850-1955-1 1.85-1.915 1.95-1.955 1.75 1.5 70@1.95-1.955GHz 70@1.850-1.915GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-1920-6000-1 1.92-1.98 4.09-6 1.5 1.5 55@4.09-6GHz 55@1.92-1.98GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-2000-12000-1 2-6 8-12 1 2 25@8-12GHz 25@2-6GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-2025-2300-1 2.025~2.12 2.2~2.3 2 1.5 - - - 4~6
    QMP2-2300-3800-1 2.3~2.4 3.3~3.8 1 1.5 50@3.3~3.8GHZ 50@2.3~2.4GHZ 1 4~6
    QMP2-2300-7800-1 2.3-3.9 4.6-7.8 1 2 50@4.6-7.8GHZ 50@DC-3.9GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-2400-5850-1 2.4~2.485 5.715~5.85 1 1.5 - - 100 4~6
    QMP2-3900-11400-1 3.9-5.7 7.8-11.4 1 2 50@7.8-11.4GHZ 50@DC-5.7GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-5000-14000-1 5-7 10-14 1 2 50@10-14GHz 50@DC-7GHZ - 4~6
    QMP2-6000-22000-1 6-11 12-22 2 2 30@12-22GHz 30@6-11GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-7000-18000-1 7-9 14-18 1 2 50@14-18GHz 50@DC-9GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-7145-9000-1 7.145~7.25 7.7~9 2.5 1.5 - - - 4~6
    QMP2-7500-8500-1 7.5-7.8 8.2-8.5 1.5 1.5 75@8.2-8.5GHz 75@7.5-7.8GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-10700-14500-1 10.7-11.7 12.75-14.5 0.7 1.3 70@12.75-14.5GHz 70@10.7-11.7GHz - 4~6
    QMP2-10700-14500-2 10.7-12.75 13-14.5 0.8 1.3 - - 100 4~6
    QMP2-10700-15000-1 10.7~12.75 13.75~15 1 1.45 50@13.75~18GHz 50@DC~12.75GHz 10 4~6
    QMP2-12000-36000-1 12-18 24-36 2 2.2 40@24-36GHz 40@12-18GHz - 4~6
    Part Number Channel 1 Frequency (GHz) Channel 2 Frequency (GHz) Channel 3 Frequency (GHz) Insertion Loss (dB,Max.) VSWR (Max.) Channel 1 Rejection (dB,Min.) Channel 2 Rejection (dB,Min.) Channel 3 Rejection (dB,Min.) Input power (W) Lead Time (Weeks)    
    QMP3-1163-1588-1 1.163~1.19 1.214~1.241 1.562~1.588 1.5 1.3 - - - 50 4~6
    Part Number Channel 1 Frequency (GHz) Channel 2 Frequency (GHz) Channel 3 Frequency (GHz) Channel 4 Frequency (GHz) Insertion Loss (dB,Max.) VSWR (Max.) Channel 1 Rejection (dB,Min.) Channel 2 Rejection (dB,Min.) Channel 3 Rejection (dB,Min.) Channel 4 Rejection (dB,Min.) Input power (W) Lead Time (Weeks)
    QMP4-0-20000-1 DC~4.85 5.15~9.85 10.15~14.85 15.15~20 1.5 2 20/40@5.5&6GHz 20/40@4.5&10.5GHz
    10 4~6
    QMP4-0-20000-2 DC~6 6~11 11~16 16~20 2 2 20/40@6.5GHz
    10 4~6


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