
A series of connectors to effectively solve testing challenges

A series of connectors to effectively solve testing challenges

Qualwave Inc. has launched a series of connectors that can effectively solve testing challenges. Today, we introduce to our dear customers and partners. The products are divided into four categories, include End launch connectors, Vertical launch connectors, 8-ChannelPCB Connectors, Bundle cable assembly, and first introduce two of them.

1. End launch connectors

①1.0 mm
Frequency: DC~110GHz
VSWR: ≤2
Outer Conductor: Passivated stainless steel



②1.85 mm
Frequency: DC~67GHz
VSWR: ≤1. 35
Outer Conductor: Passivated Stainless Steel

A. QELC-V-2: 1.85mm male

End launch connectors (3)

B. QELC-V-3: 1.85mm male, Small size

End launch connectors (4)

C. QELC-VF-2: 1.85mm female

End launch connectors (5)

D. QELC-VF-3: 1.85mm female, Small size

End launch connectors (6)

③2.4 mm
Frequency: DC~50GHz
VSWR: ≤1. 3
Outer Conductor: Passivated Stainless Steel

A. QELC-2-1: 2.4mm male

End launch connectors (7)

B. QELC-2-2: 2.4mm male

End launch connectors (8)

C. QELC-2-3: 2.4mm male, Small size

End launch connectors (9)

D. QELC-2F-1: 2.4mm female

End launch connectors (10)

E. QELC-2F-2: 2.4mm female

End launch connectors (11)

F. QELC-2F-3: 2.4mm female, Small size

End launch connectors (12)

Frequency: DC~40GHz
VSWR: ≤1.25
Outer Conductor: Passivated Stainless Steel

A. QELC-K-1: 2.92mm male

End launch connectors (13)

B. QELC-K-2: 2.92mm male

End launch connectors (14)

C. QELC-K-3: 2.92mm male, Small size

End launch connectors (15)

D. QELC-KF-1: 2.92mm female

End launch connectors (16)

E. QELC-KF-2: 2.92mm female

End launch connectors (17)

F. QELC-KF-3: 2.92mm female, Small size

End launch connectors (18)

G. QELC-KF-5: 2.92mm female, Gold plated brass, VSWR≤1. 35

End launch connectors (19)

Frequency: DC~26. 5GHz
VSWR: ≤1.25
Outer Conductor: Passivated Stainless Steel

A. QELC-S-1: SMA male

End launch connectors (20)

B. QELC-SF-1: SMA female

End launch connectors (21)

C. QELC-SF-6: SMA female, DC~18GHz, Brass, VSWR1.5

End launch connectors (22)

The above clamp type solderless connector, SMA, 292mm, 2.4mm tail size - 1 series, standing stock, welcome to inquire!

-1 and -2 differences: PIN pin thickness
-2 and -3 differences: the width of the structural body is narrow

02 Vertical launch connectors

Frequency: DC~110GHz
VSWR: ≤1.5
Outer Conductor: Stainless Steel
QVLC-1F-1: 1.0mm female

Vertical launch connectors (1)

Frequency: DC~65GHz
VSWR: ≤1.4
Outer Conductor: Stainless Steel
QVLC-VF-1: 1.85mm female

Vertical launch connectors (2)

Frequency: DC~50GHz
VSWR: ≤1.2
Outer Conductor: Stainless Steel
QVLC-2F-1: 2.4mm female

Vertical launch connectors (3)

Frequency: DC~40GHz
VSWR: ≤1.2
Outer Conductor: Stainless Steel

A. QVLC-KF-1: 2.92mm female

Vertical launch connectors (4)

B. QVLC-KF-2: 2.92mm female

Vertical launch connectors (5)

Frequency: DC~18GHz
VSWR: ≤1.3
Outer Conductor: Nickel Plated Brass
QVLC-SF-1: SMA female

Vertical launch connectors (6)

If the above products do not match your needs, please contact us for customization!

The above is all of today's content. Looking forward to the next issue, we will introduce the series of 8-ChannelPCB Connectors and Bundle cable assemblies.

Post time: Jun-25-2023